Sonja Czarnecki
Sonja Czarnecki came to Seabury in 2011 as Dean of Students and currently teaches World History I, United States History, U.S. Politics and Government, and Global Studies. With twenty-five years of independent school experience, Seabury is the place that most feels like home. She enjoys helping students with National History Day research, Academic World Quest, the COOP club, and international trips. After receiving a B.A. in history from the University of Virginia, she completed a masters degree in American History and Government from Ashland University, as a James Madison Foundation fellow. For many years she has scored World History Advanced Placement exams. Recently she’s taken on the role of exchange manager with the American Exchange Project. Sonja has also served with the Lawrence-Douglas County League of Women Voters for several years and was recently elected president of the chapter. She loves getting students involved in research and civic engagement both in and outside of the classroom. Sonja and her husband Eric have two children, Evan ‘21 and Sage ‘24.