Debate, Music, Theatre & Visual
The Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts curricula addresses the developmental needs of the Middle School program, which seeks to create student interest in the arts in a safe and supportive environment, and the subsequent Upper School program, which offers more advanced and specialized study.
Sixth graders take Art and Theatre classes for a nine-week period sometime during the school year, in rotation with Technology and Mythology classes. For Music, sixth graders will be alternating with Physical Education classes for the whole year.
In grades seven and eight, students take one academic quarter of each division of “CHAD” (Computers, Health, Art, and Drama). All students in seventh and eighth grade take Music throughout the year.
In Middle School Music classes, students are taught basic technique and method as they learn to perform and to appreciate music.
Upper School Music continues to hone student skills with more challenging compositions and continues to stress technique and music theory. Middle School Visual Arts and Theatre courses develop interest, confidence, focus, good work habits, and a foundational understanding of the subject.
In the ninth grade Visual Arts course, students build on prior study, reviewing and reinforcing the elements and principles of art introduced in seventh and eighth grades. Ninth grade Theatre initiates a serious study of performance criticism and acting method and technique.
In preparing students for college study, the advanced curricula for Visual Arts, Music and Theatre increase the level of sophistication in production and criticism and narrow the focus on specific artists, styles, and media.