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Spring Break 2024- FRance

March 11-20, 2024
ALL airfare, hotels, meals, transportation, entrance, and guide fees and tips are included in cost.
Open to any Seabury student, grades 6-12.
Chaperones: Madame Elena Buckner and Mr. Michael Pulsinelli
Taste all of France in just a few days! We leave on Monday, March 11, and return on Wednesday, March 20.  We will fly to Paris, where we will explore culture, food, the mètro, and art. Highlights will include a trip up the Eiffel Tower, food exploration in a local market, and an evening ride in the Seine aboard a bateau mouche. We’ll then venture outside the city, stopping at Versailles before traveling north to Caen, Normandy, and the famous island-turned-monastery of Mont-St-Michel. We’ll then head south, stopping at Monet’s home in Giverny before hopping a high-speed train to Nice in the south of France. We’ll enjoy local cuisine, swim in the Mediterranean Sea, and enjoy some free time before traveling to the airport in Nice for our flight home.
Application and deposit are due September 18.
France 2024 Itinerary and Details
France 2024 Enrollment Form
France 2024 International Trip Financial Assistance Application

International Educational Travel

International travel has been a long standing tradition since 1998-99 at Bishop Seabury Academy. Our trips, held each year during Spring Break, promote individual academic growth by providing students with personal experiences of what they study. As extensions of the classroom, they are designed to complement the history, art, language and theater courses taught at Seabury. Students have the opportunity to see and explore monuments, art, and historical sites and learn from professional guides and/or experienced Seabury faculty. These trips help our students to develop an appreciation for other cultures and ways of life, as well as give students a forum for conversing with native speakers.  
  • ALL airfare, hotels, meals, transportation, museum and guide fees and tips are included in cost.
  • Open to any Seabury student, grades 6-12.
  • Held annually during Seabury's Spring Break.
  • Each trip is preceded by several meetings with parents and students, both to discuss practical aspects such as packing and conduct, and to offer students videos, presentations, and museum visits here in Lawrence to prepare them intellectually and culturally for their experience abroad.
  • Seabury chaperones accompany the student group.
  • Limited space available.
  • All Covid protocol, requirements, and restrictions apply.
Rotating sequence of countries:
Spanish-speaking country
China or other Asian country
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