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Our Focus

The English curriculum focuses on the sequential development of writing, reading, and interpretive skills. In Middle School courses, students will sharpen grammar skills, develop effective reading strategies, and learn to write coherently and persuasively with a variety of assignments. The Upper School curriculum builds on this foundation through the study of particular genres and historical periods and through the examination of literary works from a range of world cultures, including everything from Homer and Shakespeare to Chinua Achebe and Toni Morrison. Students will strengthen interpretive and analytic skills, write more sophisticated compositions, learn literary theory and criticism, and develop a greater mastery of written and verbal communication. Discussion will be an important part of all English courses. Strong reading and writing skills are essential to success at the college level and to confident work in all fields. Subsequently, English curriculum aims to develop strong critical thinkers who can articulate their ideas clearly and precisely both in writing and discussion. 

Language Arts 6
Mythology in Culture & Literature 6
English 7            
English 8
English 9            
English 10
English 11 / English 11 Honors
English 12 / English 12 Honors
Journalism (9-12)
Creative Writing (9-12)
English as a Second Language